Meghan Andrews

Graphic Designer

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Screenshot. Homepage of Plants website. Page background is pale pink and title reads 'This is a website about plants'. Above this is a row of images of small scans of autumn leaves.
Screenshot. Homepage of Plants website. Menu bar at top of screen contains a button that reads 'toggle dark mode' and a dropdown menu that reads 'Select font type'. Page background is now dark green and font is now open-dyslexic (instead of sans-serif).
Screenshot of Plants website. Title reads 'Plants seen in/near Richmond, Virginia'. Below title is a gallery of images of plants. Viewer can select between two categories, 'Identified' and 'Unidentified'.
Screenshot of Plants website. Screen contains a full-screen photo slideshow, with a photo of an American Mountain Ash tree.

See website

This website was created as a final project for a web design class at Virginia Commonwealth University called "Handmade Web". In the website, I documented photos of plants that I encountered during my daily life over the span of a few months.

I tried to identify which plants are native to the area they were found in or considered invasive of particular concern by local conservation groups. I also added a feature where others can help me identify.

Website was coded using HTML, CSS and Javascript.